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How familiar are you with coaching? How familiar are you with coaching? Not at allA littleA lotVery familiar
In a few words, what do you think coaching is, and how do you think it can help you?
What challenge or drive brought you to coaching?
Was it an internal or an external factor, or both that led you to seek the support of a coach? Internal factors can include something you decided or feel called to do, or feeling inspired. External factors can include something happening in your life, outside of you, affecting you directly or indirectly, or causing you to question or re-evaluate your circumstances and values.
Tell me why you sought coaching, and specifically me, to help you?
In a few short sentences, tell me what your dream life looks like. Imagine for a minute that you have it, you're in it, right now. What do you see and feel?
What is the BIGGEST, SCARIEST obstacle/challenge standing between you and your dream life (the one you just described)?
How ready are you to commit to change in your life? How ready are you to commit to change in your life? 0 - Why Change? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Heck Yeah!
If you know your MBTI, DISC, Enneagram or other personality test, tell me (and maybe throw in a link so I can read about it). 🙂 (I'm an INFJ in the MBTI)
Anything else I should know about you? (ex: you have a wonderful family, you love to travel, you're a dog person, your favourite colour is orange, you can never have enough chocolate...)
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