Tag: Ceremony

Eurotrip: Leaving on a Jetplane…

The proud Canadian in me is a little disappointed to be missing the festivities and of course, the fireworks, but the part of me that is consumed by wanderlust is quite excited to be heading on my first across-the-pond vacation since 2009. (Yikes! I know…)

Scott and I are heading to the Old Continent for a few weeks; it’s time for a EUROTRIP! We’re attending a dear friend’s wedding in Paris (she’s more like a sister, so it’s a must) via Brussels. Those who love travelling as much as I do are probably sharing my #sorrynotsorry thoughts about missing the National Holiday. Hello, smoother security measures and boarding procedures? Also, it’s a bonus travel day!

Scott hugs Mercedes in New Brunswick (2013)

Scott is humouring me so we get nice travel pics.

Roll With the Punches

As some of you may know, we were in “financial freedom mode” (i.e. paying off loans) so when we heard the news, we had an honest (albeit short) discussion about our priorities; there was no way we were missing the wedding. Sometimes, in life, events come up for us to re-evaluate our priorities. Yes, we were repaying loans and we’ll get back to that mode of “freedom focus” when we return. But we had to ask ourselves why we were even so focused on freedom in the first place. There were many reasons, but a big one for me (as well as for Scott), is to enjoy life and ride the wave of opportunity before it crashes into us. Scott often says he ‘only wants to be happy when he grows up’. It used to be charming, then it annoyed me and now, I see how broad this statement is. I choose to adopt it because it means I follow my heart and I plan, as best I can, for the unexpected. When planning fails, I roll with the punches.

We had to ask ourselves: “what are we doing all this for if we can’t even part-take in our friends’ milestones?”

Scott at Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia

Guess where Scott is? (2013) Hint: It’s in Nova Scotia

A plane ticket isn’t any cheaper if you return sooner, so we decided to make it a holiday. Our first international trip together. It’ll be a golden opportunity to reconnect to each other, to re-discover each other as we discover new (old) parts of the world together and it’ll be a great spiritual practice for us both. It’ll be a time for sharing bits of ourselves that routine tends to put to sleep.

When we’d worked out that we were going, we had to figure out the logistics. We’re pretty proud to say that despite the short notice, this trip is not a debt but planned spending. Rock on, us!

Harmonizing Different Travelling Views

Scott and Mercedes at the Anne of Green Gables House in PEI (2011)

Scott and I at the Anne of Green Gables House in PEI (2011)

My partner and I view travelling a bit differently; he feels it’s a welcome luxury and I feel it’s an essential to balanced adult life. But we’re united in the value of family and friendship that we’re honouring. For me, it’s a much anticipated return to Europe (my last hop was in 2009) but the world changes and it’ll be an altogether new trip to do this trek with my partner. I can’t wait to share my wanderlust with this beautiful person. I want to tell him: “See? THIS is why I want to see the world with you. There’s such wonder. There’s such beauty and I want to share it with you. I want to be a witness to your life. I want you to share my adventures. The world’s a big buffet and although I can’t it like this every day, I want to enjoy every yummy piece of this world.”

Counsellors and therapists always encourage couples to “make quality time for each other” and “try new things together”, which I feel this trip fulfills. They also say that renovations and travel are big tests. I see tests as a rather formalized way of saying you’re practising your life. Yoga is a practice but so are your relationships of any nature. Every day is new and each person evolves so relationships are a dance. I prefer to make mine a connected but fun dance. Missteps will likely happen, as they do in everyday life, but what’s the fun in a perfectly rehearsed waltz? Some days, we’ll be like a tango or a westie dance, but many days are like swing for us; it’s partnership, it’s fun and it’s all about doing it together.

I can’t wait to go adventuring in Belgium, France and Holland. We’ll also be taking scenic and sentimental detours to smell

Mercedes is standing in a garden in King's Landing, NB (2013)

I’m standing in a garden in King’s Landing, NB (2013)

the roses (or the Thames or the Alps, no biggie). Travelling reminds me of my passions, or my love for humankind, or my thirst for learning. It makes me feel alive. For a few weeks, I forget about the humdrum of jobs, responsibilities and other people’s timelines. I remember who I am and I see with my heart. I’m also looking forward to seeing my partner in this light. Let this trip be about love.

While we’re out adventuring, I’ve got a few fun posts for you… and if you’re lucky, I might even post a few short on-the-go updates.  😉

What situations have caused you to re-evaluate your priorities? What choices have you made for your wellness and enjoyment? How does travelling add to your life?

Rite of the Womb

As part of my journey reconnecting with my Native roots, I discover many beautiful ceremonies, rites and practices, which I’m invited to participate in.

My friend, Little Deer Fairy Child, is studying to work energetically with people who wish to heal themselves iSacral-chakran body, mind and spirit. Many call this work “shamanic”. Few people call themselves shamans because it implies years of apprenticeship, some gifts and a community recognition. That being said, shamanic practices are available to all who are interested in learning. It has everything to do with a holistic approach to heal and spirituality.

Little Deer Fairy Child was initiated in the 13th Rite of the Munay-Ki, a ceremony which empowers women to heal their wombs (and their sacral chakra, for those who are familiar the chakra system). My friend has graciously initiated me into the 13th Rite of the Munay-Ki: the Rite of the Womb.I couldn’t be more grateful for the beautiful ceremony, the recognition of my feminine identity and the awakening of another centre of my personal power.

In the practice, you ground yourself and connect to the grandmothers and women who came before you. A Womb Keeper calls upon this wisdom and healing energy and asks to be a channel to pass this on to the woman (or women) before her. A thoughtful and symbolic altar or bundle is set out with 13 candles (for the 13 grandmothers and 13 moons), a bowl of water, objects that convey femininity for the participants and flowers. By placing hands from her womb to another’s, the Womb Keeper passes on the Rite and connects us in the Great Sisterhood. The Rite cannot be staged and must be passed on by a Keeper. Men are welcome guests who hold sacred space for us as lovers, family, friends, supporters and figurative protectors. The men who participate are also welcome, as are the participating women, to blow positive intentions into petals that are placed into the water, ultimately to be given back to Mother Earth.

Keeper of the Womb

I had a wonderful experience receiving the Rite, as I felt my growing connection to strong, nurturing energy from women Petals waterpast, present and future. I felt closer to my friend. I felt clearer on who I was and on simply “being woman”. I felt warmth rushing to my womb. It was as much a physical experience for me as it was an emotional and spiritual one. I was blessed to have my partner hold space for me. Even though he is unfamiliar with Native American practices and customs (and I’m new to them myself), he sat with us, peacefully, attentive. He kept an open mind. He helped light candles. When his turn came, he took a petal in which to blow an intention. And when I was overcome with emotion, he took me in his arms and told me he loved me. I felt how much I loved him at that moment too.

Source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

The Rite is not simply for women who wish to bear children or for women who’ve been victims of abuse. The Rite of the Womb, as it’s also called, is meant to help women bring awareness to their centre of creativity and personal power. We hold much of our pain and fear in the womb, finding ourselves paralyzed from making self-honouring decisions. The womb is the centre of our ability to make art, to find solutions that ring true for us and a healthy womb allows us to cleanse ourselves (physically and energetically) in order to embrace life’s cycles. In very practical terms, the Rite of the Womb helps alleviate period symptoms and soothe pain in the general area of reproductive organs. The womb is like a micro version of the Earth Mother. So a rite that honours the womb also helps us nourish our relationship with the Earth.

Although some people have noticed incredible, noticeable changes in their reproductive health, it is not advised to forego medical counsel from a trusted physician when it comes to illnesses and disorders. Now, I’m a firm believer that health is a three-part organism: body, mind and soul. If you nourish your mind and your soul, you acknowledge your feelings (emotional body) and sensations (physical body), then you’re on your way to create an ideal recovery scenario.

As most rites, the Rite of the Womb is a personal commitment you make to yourself and as such, it is considered a responsibility. Because of its shamanic, South-American heritage, it is a free practice in the spirit of healing the world, one woman at a time. You can see it as the responsibility you owe yourself and other women is your payment for receiving such a gift. You also owe it to your fellow sisters to share the Rite with any one of them who wish to receive it, in full understanding of what it represents. I invite you to visit The Rite of the Womb website, to view the beautiful video on the ceremony and to read on the intention of the practice. The testimonies are very touching and special as well.

If you are interested in receiving the Rite of the Womb and would like more information, do get in touch! It would be my pleasure to help you on your journey…

flowers and candle

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