It’s that time already! With every new year, every milestone, comes a sense of accomplishment, nostalgia, impetus and hope. I’m not one for resolutions per se, but I followed Claire Diaz Ortiz‘s lead and started a goal journal.

I’ve just returned from a three-week travelling (and partially working) holiday and I couldn’t be happier to be home again. I wasn’t thrilled about snow banks as tall as I am, but I enjoyed sleeping in my own bed and cuddling my cat. I actually looked forward to unpacking and tidying my house… Yeah. Home, sweet home.

I’ve also reviewed a few things I’d like to add to my life and a few things I’d like to do here on the blog. In an effort to keep this post short, I can tell you that for one, I will share my yoga teacher training journey. It’s my hope I’ll also be posting videos this year… Fingers crossed!

As for the BSW website, it’s constantly growing and I have many hopes and projects for this place.  I’m aiming to birth a coaching program this year, to teach a few Reiki workshops and finish writing my BSW book… Officially, we will launch this website (in all its glory!) in March. I hope you’ll keep reading and help me celebrate. 🙂 Stay tuned!

Bright Star Woman 2016 Reiki Blessing

Your 2016 Blessing(s) – Love, Me.

Here’s my wish for you for this upcoming year…

May you meet YourSelf.

I hope you’ll look inside your beautiful Self, find your light and shine brightly.  I hope you’ll recognize those things that light you up, those circumstances that turn on your happy.

May you find your courage.

I hope that you’ll realize how powerful you are and that you’ll take steps in creating your meaningful life from this place of confidence and trust.

May you feel the support you need, and may you enjoy the life you’re living.

Reiki blessings to you all throughout 2016. For your greatest good and purpose, may this year bring you all the experiences, the learning, the laughter and the healing you need and desire, and may you be blessed with happy surprises.

